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CANTAGREL, Le Fou du Palais Royal, 1845

Photo CANTAGREL, François. 

CANTAGREL, François. 

Le Fou du Palais Royal. 

Paris, Librairie Sociétaire, 1845.

12mo (178x120 mm), 395 pages.  binding : Contemporary quarter sheep, flat spine. Binding rubbed. 

Photo CANTAGREL, François. 

Second edition, completely revised by the author.
French politician, François Cantagrel is a disciple of Charles Fourier for whom he founded the newspaper La Phalange.
He was an active propagandist of Fourierism thanks, among other things, to his Fou du Palais Royal, published in 1841 and which the Fourierists had to republish in 1845, which had a huge impact. This humorous work certainly steered more men towards Fourierism than Fourier's own works.

references: Del Bo [p. 22].

Price : 100 €

Photo CANTAGREL, François. 
Photo CANTAGREL, François. 
Photo CANTAGREL, François. 
Photo CANTAGREL, François. 
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